I was asked recently to do an interview for the Intuitive Pet Parent which was quite flattering to say the least. My little contribution goes out on the 19th October. The Intuitive Pet Parent is a COMPLIMENTARY online summit with 30 animal experts sharing their secrets to resolving energy imbalances, correcting behavioural concerns and enhancing the spiritual bond with your pet family members! This F.R.E.E. online summit begins Tuesday October 10th. Register now!
http://www.theintuitivepetparent.com Together, we are holding a space for you and your animal companions. In that space, all things are possible for your highest and best. In that space, you’ll find the love and light you need to explore without judgment in your search for deeper meaning. Sometimes you ask a question and it takes a few months to get an answer - in this case I asked Noddy in May and only got the answer on the 22nd September. You need patience working with animals, they are privy to more information than we give them credit for - our egos can and do get in the way at times and inhibit that intuition we all have. I have facilitated my first BodyTalk Access for Animals and Humans class and hope that it is going to build from here on - the next class is here in October https://www.bodytalksystem.com/seminars/details.cfm?id=28623 Building on that the next Linking Awareness Journey will be at the end of November all being well 25th -27th. Comments are closed.
Sacha Maxwell