BodyTalk is an astonishingly simple and effective holistic therapy that allows the body’s energy systems to be re-synchronized so they can operate as nature intended. Each system, cell, and atom is in constant communication with each other at all times. Through exposure to the stresses of day-to-day life, however, these lines of communication can become compromised or disconnected, which then leads to a decline in physical, emotional and/or mental well-being. Reconnecting these lines of communication enables the body’s internal mechanisms to function at optimal levels, thus repairing and preventing disease while rapidly accelerating the healing process. In this way, BodyTalk stimulates the body’s innate ability to balance and heal itself on all levels.
Flexible and Safe
BodyTalk can be used as a stand alone system to treat many chronic and acute health problems, or can be seamlessly integrated with any healthcare regimen to increase its overall effectiveness. BodyTalk’s major assets are its simplicity, safety and the speed of results. BodyTalk is non-invasive, objective in application and works effectively on humans and animals alike. If a BodyTalk technique is implemented incorrectly, there will be no result or change; it will not make things worse. Because of this built-in safety factor, anyone who receives BodyTalk has nothing to lose and everything to gain as far as his or her health and wellness is concerned.
World-Wide Reach
Currently there are nearly 2000 BodyTalk Practitioners world-wide and 80 instructors teaching BodyTalk in 35 countries with translations in 8 languages. Currently these include: English, German, Italian, Swedish, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, and Hebrew. To offer support for BodyTalk Practitioners globally, additional offices are operating in Germany and Australia, while other regions such as Brazil and South Africa are in line for the near future.
BodyTalk Principles - Innate Wisdom of the Body
BodyTalk is based on the principle that the body is capable of healing itself at all levels – as evidenced by the healing process that is automatically initiated when a person cuts a finger or twists an ankle. This automatic, self-guided healing process is part of the body’s inborn intelligence, or the “innate wisdom” of the body, as we call it in BodyTalk. The innate wisdom guides the overall functioning of the bodymind complex, synchronizes all the activities as well as maintains balance, or homeostasis, within the bodymind complex.
Stress Affects Our Health
Stress has a profound effect on the body and its ability to heal and function at an optimal level. When an individual experiences ongoing stress, it can overload the energetic circuits of the body, causing them to fail or be severely compromised. This is just like plugging too many appliances into an outlet and tripping a circuit breaker in your home. You have blown a fuse and must go reset it. Often times the body cannot reset these blown circuits on its own, so the body then must continue to function in a less than ideal state. This ultimately leads to degeneration, illness and pain in the body, a sign that it is simply falling behind in the healing process. Stress-related illnesses include, but are not limited to: high blood pressure and heart rate, digestive disorders, hormone and endocrine imbalances, fatigue, infertility issues and all manner of immune system disorders.
Energetic Circuits and Communication
Every single cell, atom, and system is in constant communication with every other cell, atom and system within the bodymind complex at all times. This includes communication through the nervous system, as well as the other subtle energy circuits of the body – such as the meridians and the electromagnetic frequencies that are produced by the body through its functioning. Stress we experience in our daily life can cause these circuits to become compromised, weakening or disrupting the communication between the cells and systems.
BodyTalk helps to re-establish these energetic circuits and efficient communication in a quick and effective way, which then allows the body to very quickly recover and catch up in the healing process. This is witnessed in how quickly symptoms disappear and function returns, often within just one or two BodyTalk sessions.
Trusting the Body’s Wisdom
Just as the body heals a wound with a particular sequence of bio-chemical, physical and energetic responses, the body addresses all healing in a certain order. This concept is vital in the BodyTalk balancing process to encourage the body’s ability to heal itself by the fastest means possible.
The BodyTalk Practitioner relies on the guidance of the body’s natural wisdom to not only locate the weakened or broken lines of communication and establish how to re-connect them, but also to find the proper order in which they are to be restored. This is accomplished through a form of neuromuscular biofeedback, by which the practitioner is able to ask the body yes-or-no questions and receive answers directly from the body about the sequence for re-establishing these lines of communication.
BodyTalk Knowledge Base
Comprehensive BodyTalk is a state-of-the-art approach to integrative mind/body medicine by combining Western medicine’s scientifically supported research in fields such as neuroscience, epigenetics, and psychoneuroimmunology along with a large number of highly recognized ancient and modern healing methods and principles of knowledge, such as Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, yoga and meditation philosophies, Chiropractic, consciousness studies and Energy Psychology.
Managing Information
The BodyTalk System also uses concepts from the fields of Information Science and Information Management, Dynamic Systems Theory and advanced process control and optimization principles found in the engineering fields, as well as advanced topics in mathematics and quantum physics.
Even though these fields may not seem to have an obvious connection to the healing processes of the bodymind, they are an integral part of how the BodyTalk Practitioner is able to quickly and easily gather relevant information from their client’s body.
Continued Development
Through the advanced BodyTalk courses, adjunct courses, life sciences and PaRama BodyTalk, the BodyTalk System is experiencing continued development and refinement of the overall system. Input from Instructors, Practitioners and students have provided valuable insight, learning and strengthening of all of the BodyTalk techniques, including development of new techniques as well as a deeper understanding of the BodyTalk System as a whole.
Left Brain/Right Brain Thinking
The BodyTalk Practitioner uses a combination of left-brain, linear logical thinking and memory, infused by right-brain, intuitive lateral thinking to establish the communication links needed. The BodyTalk System protocol chart is a flowchart that represents a map of the bodymind complex. Each section of the chart addresses certain aspects of the bodymind, including all physical, mental, emotional and energetic frequencies found in the body. This chart and the procedures to utilize it represent the left-brain side of the BodyTalk process. The experienced Practitioner then uses their right-brain intuitive process to complete the communication formulas which the bodymind complex then transforms into healing stimuli.
Background and Communication
You and your BodyTalk Practitioner often begin your session by discussing your health status and whatever other personal issues you may wish to address. Then, you will either relax in a chair or on a treatment table while the practitioner, positioned at your side, will gently use your arm in such a manner to establish Yes/No communication. This Yes/No communication is also called neuromuscular biofeedback, which is similar to applied kinesiology. By understanding that your body has an inherent knowledge of itself, the BodyTalk Practitioner is able to quickly and easily ask your body what communication circuits have become compromised and in which order these lines of communication need to be re-established for the fastest possible healing process to occur.
Building Links or Formulas
Your practitioner uses the BodyTalk Protocol Chart to determine the weakened or broken energy circuits in your bodymind complex that are being highlighted by your innate healing wisdom. Once an energy circuit is identified, any additional details that are relevant are determined. Your BodyTalk Practitioner will link these destination points in the sequence indicated, thereby constructing a “formula” that describes the energetic circuit that will be re-established.
Tap to Synchronize and BalanceTapping on the body to get it to focus on healing has been used by some indigenous holistic systems, such as yoga, for centuries. For BodyTalk specifically, tapping on the head tells the brain to “fix” the faulty communication circuit and the heart to “store” the fix. This activates the brain and helps to facilitate the body’s own ability to restore and maintain its optimum health.