More HelioSol Technique Pre-requisite: Foundational HelioSol Technique In this more advanced version of the HelioSol Technique (MHT), the breathing and visualization includes additional, more complex, concepts that expand the benefits of the internal light (introduced in the Foundational HelioSol Technique course) to influence the heart-generated toroidal field that exists around the bodymind. MHT is more of a meditation practice. However, HelioSol Practitioners may utilize it in their sessions with their clients. By learning and practicing MHT, it will be possible to:
Increase the spin, frequency, and energy of the bodymind’s toroidal field
Bring coherency to all internal bodymind structures
Bring coherency to each subtle body, chakra, and acupuncture point
Expand the diameter of the field out into the environment
Bring a sense of being connected to everything in nature – all people, animals, plants, and other life forms
Influence the toroidal fields and hence the state of health of others
Access all information available in the universe
Transform personal consciousness into Universal Consciousness
Interact with life from a state of agape love
Feel lighter as well as more grounded, stable, and centred at the same time
There will be instructor demonstrations and student practice time. This course is open to those with the relevant pre-requisite.
Additional HelioSol Technique Pre-requisite: More HelioSol Technique
The Additional HelioSol Technique (AHT) takes the visualization that was introduced in the More HelioSol Technique (MHT) course and changes it slightly to conform to an advanced understanding of the double-tori structure of the heart-generated toroidal field around the body and how the energy flows. All the benefits gained by practicing MHT will not only still be in effect, but they will also be enhanced. There will be instructor demonstrations and student practice time. This course is open to those with the relevant pre-requisite.