February has been all about listening, listening to other people their views and their opinions, debates ad nauseam. Well you see we have been in the build up to an election for the last 4 weeks. Today is polling day, so from tomorrow on it is all going to be about more spin and who is going to be friends with whom to form the next government. So while there was a brief lull I thought I would put this out there.
However, it has not all been about listening to others, I have had to listen to myself as well, that little inner voice that won’t go away. The ‘should I do this or should I do that?’ The what if, they why, the can I and will I? All those little niggling things that fly around in ones head. Some of the revelations have been quite blunt and not what I wanted to hear at all, ‘wait you are not ready’ but ‘yes I am’ went the impetuous self, the ego. It took a few animals to really push the point home, no I have to do some more work on myself first. February has also been about closing one chapter fully and getting stuck into the next one. The full moon in February was traditionally known as the snow moon, i.e. the heaviest snow falls and the last bite of winter before the spring equinox; though in Ireland 1st February is traditionally the start of spring. It has also been about planning for the year, courses to attend and courses to host, Biogeometry in July; Linking Awareness and BodyTalk Fundamentals for Animals in November. Interesting times ahead here :-) |
Sacha Maxwell