Starting something new can be a daunting task and some 'gurus' suggest creating a vision board and 'manifesting' what you see the project unfolding into.
This method can have mixed results - more often as not nothing happens. You then get despondent and start to believe that you are unable to achieve anything even when you create the most imaginative and dynamic vision boards. I am speaking from experience here; two years ago I came across this phenomena through a very inspirational lady and then somehow I was being bombarded by life coaches promoting this method of moving forward. For want of something better to do I decided to give it a go, my clinic was taking time to get off the ground, I had been made redundant and I had to get things happening. Well - I visualised, and I MindScaped but still nothing was changing as far as I could tell, if anything things were slowing down. This was not part of the plan. Roll on 6 months or so and I started to work more from my heart using my Linking Awareness tools; my perspective began to alter slightly but the whole vision board thing was still bothering me. I then learnt the next step though Tosha Silver - surrender. I got it wrong for the first bit, I thought that this was a great plan, just sit back and let it all happen no vision boards just surrender and if Divine means it to happen, it will. I was still missing the point here, yes Surrender but you also have to get off your backside and DO something to get things moving. A great friend of mine called in to see me at the start of January and gave me an idea, something that I had been dead set against for the past 5 years, however this time I thought 'why not give it a go?' So, I have weeded, cleaned gutters, moved 9yrs worth of rubbish (old builders materials), whitewashed raised beds, painted doors, laid new gravel, re-hung gates, put up post and rail fencing, taken trees out, cleaned a stream out, strimmed, mown the lawn. I have had a little help for which I am very thankful but I had to get the ball rolling. So since starting this little project my clinic has got busier; international classes are filling up steadily. I am not sure where it is going to end up but it feels good to have actually got outside, got mucky and DONE something. I now have a pleasing vista out from my house and clinic if nothing else and hopefully it will be easier to keep clean and tidy. Some of my vision board has materialised, upon reflection not sure I still want some of the things I thought I did. Take a look at it is a work in progress :-) |
Sacha Maxwell