I was just thinking this morning - it has been 21 years in July since I graduated from university with my parents' long dreamt of degree; 20 years in June since I moved back to Ireland after working in UK for a stockbroker and an equine stunt team; 18 years this month since I bought my house then got made redundant for the first time; 14 years since I was made redundant for the second time; 2 and a half years since I was made redundant for the third time and this month I have finally broken the cords that tied me to the job I have held for the last 13 years.
Time to start Doing What I Love - in some ways I have been doing it for the last 2 and a half years but now it is really sink or swim time; I have thrown away the life vest and need to see how the universe responds. I finally handed in my notice on Monday last and this week I went and gave a radio interview for University College Cork Student radio on Tuesday. I have had numerous enquiries for sessions and for classes, however, not all of them come to fruition - so I am offering this to the divine - If This Is The Path I Am Meant To Take - Then Please Use Me For The Greatest Good. I am putting my trust in this - somehow, someway things will work out. There have been other strange happenings but they may just be coincidence - waiting to see what way things fall. If you are thinking that you need to do something for yourself - then go and do it be it coming on a class or just going for a walk in the woods. #Trinitycollege #Devilshorsemen #BodyTalkSystem #Horseracing #ToshaSilver #DoingwhatIlove Comments are closed.
Sacha Maxwell