The more elaborate our means of communication, the less we communicate. Joseph Priestley I think that I started to learn this during the summer. My websites both went a little offline, so it was onto Facebook and Twitter endeavouring to get the word out that I was working solo, full-time as a therapist now treating horses and humans alike. However, things seemed to be conspiring against me in the world of technology; spreading the word about courses being held here and things were going by the by. It was only when I started to talk to people and meet them face to face that the situation has slowly started to change. Trips to France and England, around Ireland meeting clients meeting their horses, learning along the way. Yes, in this modern world if you re not online then you are not ‘there or here’ and supposedly the audience is much greater but that element of trust is not quite there. When you are starting a new venture it is all about Trust and communication. Various different aspects of life go though changes and with those changes we hopefully learn and develop but the simple ways of doing things are often the best even if they may be more time consuming in this modern world. Time to have a conversation with someone face to face, put pen to paper an actually write a letter. So for me its back to basics - learning how to communicate again both verbally and non-verbally. Comments are closed.
Sacha Maxwell