Let me start by wishing you a Merry Christmas
Hope that you have a wonderful Christmas and best wishes for 2017. Thank you so much for all your help and support during 2016, it has been an amazing year and I am delighted that you have been a part of it. We have had the most amazing BodyTalk Access courses here at Slievenamon Holistic Therapy and in Northern Ireland at Healing Concepts; attended some wonderful events hosted by: Irish Country Womens Association; Clonmel Chamber of Commerce; Work It Out Group; Marigold Festival; Cashel Active Retirement Group; The Honeypot; Solero Viva in Carrick-On-Suir, Horans of Cashel and Chedworth Village Hall in Gloucestershire. We have also had wonderful international instructors here sharing their knowledge and wisdom; during the summer Kris Attard came to share Biogeometry which we held in Cashel; Loesje Jacob from Canada has just left after being here for most of November facilitating Linking Awareness Journey, held in Cashel; BodyTalk Fundamentals for Animals and Humans, held at Fota Wildlife Park; not only that she took the time to train me and bring me up to speed so that I may now facilitate BodyTalk Access for Animalsas well as Humans and Linking Awareness Journey. So I am really looking forward to posting details of these new opportunities in the spring of 2017 both here in Ireland, the UK and Europe as at the moment I am the only facilitator outside of Canada and SE Asia; please contact me if you would like more information. I have also met the requirements to be able to say that I am also a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner for Animals, I believe the first in Europe under the new certification process. If there is anything that I can do for you please let me know or if you have any questions I would be delighted to answer them if I can. If you have been to an Access Class please feel free to come to any class I am hosting in the future to monitor and refresh your skills; with that in mind my next class is this weekend 10th December (there is still time to sign up and treat yourself to a pre-Christmas tune up - just email me or call to reserve your place) and my first class in 2017 is January 27th. Thank you again for all your help and support and I look forward to seeing you again soon, until then every good wish, Merry Christmas Sacha :-) IBA article published December 2016 http://us1.campaign-archive1.com/?u=fe42488cea0cfd9bb947b4e18&id=21a983af82&e=0b1851673c Comments are closed.
Sacha Maxwell